Rocket.Chat Legacy Support
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    Rocket.Chat Legacy Support

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    Article summary

    Rocket.Chat's Legacy Support Plans are no longer available for new purchases as of July 1, 2022. These plans include Silver, Bronze, Gold, Pro, and Enterprise options tailored to legacy products.

    Support channels

    Customers can reach Rocket.Chat for support through the following channels:

    1. Rocket.Chat desk portal: Accessible to all plan holders, including trial users, at Rocket.Chat desk portal. Only customer-assigned points of contact are authorized to open support tickets here.

    2. Email support: Available for certain plans, customers can contact support via email at [email protected]. Email verification is based on domain matching; emails from the same domain as the company's are directed to the customer queue, while others are not recognized as clients.

    3. Hotline: Customers can call +1 (833) 479-0110 for high-severity emergencies. This line is intended for critical issues only.

    Ticket severity levels

    • High severity: Critical issues like system downtimes, major function failures, or severe performance problems affecting a large number of users. Examples include data loss, system crashes, or critical functionality being unavailable.

    • Medium severity: Issues causing significant impact but not critical, like essential functions being affected or inconsistent performance. Examples include partial system function unavailability or minor performance issues.

    • Low severity: Minor issues such as small functional impacts, minor bugs, or simple questions.

    • Email-created tickets are automatically assigned "Medium" priority.

    Service level agreement (SLA)

    SLAs are determined based on priority, paid plan/product, and customer account status. The SLA times represent the expected timeframe for the first response, not the resolution time. Rocket.Chat's support team strives to address issues promptly.

    Coverage hours

    • 12x5 Coverage: Support specialists are available from 8 AM to 8 PM BRT Monday to Friday.

    • 24x7 Coverage: On-call support specialists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Legacy plans cover

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