
Deploy Rocket.Chat using the Red Hat OpenShift platform and easily manage your application. Several templates for providing Rocket.Chat are hosted in this repository.

Installation on Container Development Kit (CDK)

  • Download and install CDK.

  • Download and install the OpenShift Client tool.

  • Run OpenShift vagrant machine.

  • Pull the Rocket.Chat Docker image from Docker Hub and tag/push to the internal OpenShift registry using these commands:

docker pull
docker tag rocketchat/
docker push
  • Login in OpenShift and create a new project in OpenShift

oc login -u openshift-devel
oc new-project rocket-chat
  • Clone this repo and add the templates and ImageStream to the Openshift namespace:

git clone
oc create -n openshift -f rocket-chat-is.json
oc create -n openshift -f rocket-chat-ephemeral.json
  • Create the rocket-chat app

oc new-app rocket-chat -p MONGODB_DATABASE=rocketchat,MONGODB_USER=rocketchat-admin,MONGODB_PASS=rocketchat
  • Rocket.Chat uses a domain check code to verify the validity of the e-mail address. To disable it, run these commands:

oc port-forward <mongodb_pod> 27017
mongo localhost:27017

Inside the mongo client, run these commands:

use rocketchat

Last updated

Rocket.Chat versions receive support for six months after release.