

A resource container to manage billing information and workspaces.
active sessions
Total concurrent connections. A single user can be connected multiple times.
A user of a Rocket.Chat workspace with administrator permissions
admin panel
A dashboard for which only administrators have access, on which they can find all workspace settings.
Admin panel

A dashboard for which only administrators have access, on which they can find all workspace settings.

admin sidebar
It refers to the main navigation options for the admin panel.
Admin sidebar

It refers to the main navigation options for the admin panel.

An omnichannel user type who communicates with customers
Rocket.Chat integrations. Can be listed and installed from marketplace or installed privately as a private app.


A type of room. Conversations in Rocket.Chat occur in channels. Channels are chat rooms with useful features designed to increase communication and collaboration.
Refers to a conversation.
Chat Engine
It is a solution that allows effortless incorporation of Rocket.Chat's chat features into your web or mobile apps.
It is a centralized portal for managing your workspaces, enabling you to connect them to Rocket.Chat Cloud services.
cloud account

A resource container to manage billing information and workspaces

cloud admin
An admin level user in an organization's cloud account.
cloud owner
The person that made the first connection between a workspace and the Rocket.Chat cloud, the owner of the cloud account for that organization. Without this, the cloud connection cannot work.
Rocket.Chat edition that is open source. It's not a plan.
With previous cloud registration, a cloud connection is set when the workspace has network access to the cloud. This connection allows for cloud features to be used within the workspace.
contextual bar
Inside a conversation panel, a contextual bar provides a contained space for a specific action of information.
Chats used to be the regular term in the past, when Rocket.Chat was known as a chat platform only. Conversations is more comprehensive as we are dealing with multiple communication protocols and, as a real Omnichannel product, centralize the communication regardless of the channel(Chat | Email | Voice). It's another industry standard and more user-friendly terminology. Omnichannel squad is replacing this term across the product.


dark theme
Visual user interface color theme style option.
An Omnichannel Department is a collection of rooms that can be tailored to represent diverse units in your organization.
direct message
A type of room. One on one or one to many conversation.
A type of room. Rocket.Chat discussions allow for you to have a separate conversation of larger topics in a team or channel.

Document360 is a cloud-based help desk solution that enables users in businesses across various industries to create, collaborate and publish self-service knowledge bases for their products. Features include content management, guided problem solving, discussion boards, product cataloging, and more.



Technically there's only one edition of Rocket.Chat so we don't use "edition"

A paid version Rocket.Chat.


fair use extension period
Automatic n-day period applied once Pro and Enterprise trials end where overages are retained.
Phased out Rocket.Chat plan.
The Rocket.Chat design system.



A glossary is a collection of words pertaining to a specific topic. In your articles or dissertation, it’s a list of all terms you used that may not immediately be obvious to your reader. Your glossary only needs to include terms that your reader may not be familiar with, and it’s intended to enhance their understanding of your work. Glossaries are not mandatory, but if you use a lot of technical or field-specific terms, it may improve readability to add one.

grace period
Refers to a time extension over the set cycles for plan restrictions being applied.
guest user
External workspace users with limited capabilities. While they can join select channels and discussions, they don't have full workspace access. Ideal for collaboration with partners, contractors, or customers, allowing businesses to grant project-specific access while ensuring security.


high contrast light theme
Visual user interface color theme style option. A higher contrast version of the regular light theme.


Refers to a Rocket.Chat server software installation.


Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is a self-serve online library of information about a product, service, department, or topic. The data in your knowledge base can come from anywhere. Typically, contributors who are well versed in the relevant subjects add to and expand the knowledge base. The content can range from the ins and outs of your HR or legal department to an explanation of how a product works. 


light theme
Visual user interface color theme style option.
Used to describe license and plan limitations.
live chat
Industry standard terminology for realtime communication through live chat web apps.
log in or sign in
It's the action of inputting credentials to identify yourself as a user of a workspace, to start using it.
logo (sidebar)

Appears on sidebar footer above watermark. Logo can be removed and customized regarless of whether a paid plan is active or not.

Long time support window. Now just referred as "Support window".


Monthly active contacts. For Community, it's the number of unique omnichannel contacts engaged with during the calendar month. For premium plans, it's the number of unique omnichannel contacts engaged with during the billing month.

Storefront for apps developed to be used in the Rocket.Chat platform.

Monthly active users.
Members of a room.
A mechanism used to call the attention of a person or a group of people, inside a message.


Name of Rocket.Chat customer service solution.


Additional amounts of MAUs/MACs beyong standard amounts included with plan E.g: “You can add a pack of 3000 MAC with the Pro plan if you require more than 100 monthly active contacts.
paid/free app
Consistent term to refer to apps having or not having monetary cost to be used.

Paid license type

Use to describe features and capibilites that are exclusive to paid plans.
premium apps
Enterprise Bundle is the bundle we provide for every paid plan in RC (SaaS or Enterprise). Enterprise Bundle and Atlassian Bundle is the same. Atlassian bundle is most likely an old name we used to use here. Its name cause confusion because it is available in every paid plan, not only on Enterprise.
presence service
Background service that checks for user's status.
A Rocket.Chat plan, one step above the Starter plan. Made for growing teams.
A person or entity that developed a Rocket.Chat app, to be offered on the marketplace.
push notifications
Refers to notifications delivered to mobile devices through the Rocket.Chat apps.


read receipt
Indication that a message was delivered and then read by their intended recipients.
register / registration
The process of connecting a workspace to cloud.
Rocket.Chat is a secure and customizable open-source platform for all your communication needs.
A Rocket.Chat employee.
Rocket.Chat organizes conversations across different topics called rooms. Different types of rooms include teams, DMs and discussions.


Defines workspace size. Each unique user occupies one seat. Deactivated users do not occupy seats. The total number of seats is defined by active license type.
Speaks to the nature of the Rocket.Chat server software installation, self-managed refers to the owner of the workspace being in charge of the infrastructure on which Rocket.Chat runs.
Refers to the main navigation element in Rocket.Chat. Contains the main options and lists all conversations the user's a part of or is subscribed to.
It's the most basic Rocket.Chat plan.


A type of room. A team is a digital workspace where you and your teammates can collaborate and work together. A team can contain multiple channels.
Group of replies of a message in the room.
A definited window of time on which a workspace has access to the features for a plan with more features that its current one.


A set of departments grouped together.
People using workspace.
user panel
Contains all the personal options for a user, you can set your status, access your account settings, and logout. You can find it on the sidebar.


Appears on sidebar footer below logo (if visible). Watermark is always visible except on active Pro and Enterprise subscriptions (it is visible on Pro and Enterprise trials).
A workspace is the largest unit of information in a Rocket.Chat server installation. It's usually tied to an organization. Workspaces host teams, teams host channels & discussions. A person can be a part of multiple workspaces, but their user identity is attached to a single workspace.

Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence