WhatsApp 360Dialog Agent's Guide
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    WhatsApp 360Dialog Agent's Guide

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    Article summary

    If you set up WhatsApp app integration and a user sends you a message on the WhatsApp connected number,

    • It appears in your Rocket.Chat workspace, just like any other Omnichannel conversation available for an agent to take it.

    • You can respond to the customer from your workspace, who receives the response on WhatsApp.

    • You can also send and receive files during the conversation.

    • The integration also supports sharing of location and contacts.

    Send template messages via slash command

    To configure and send template messages via slash command and UI, see WhatsApp Omnichannel Integration API.

    WhatsApp app shortcuts

    The WhatsApp app has a list of shortcuts to ease usage. Run the slash command /whatsapp help to see the list of shortcuts and their functions:

    • /whatsapp connect: Connect a new WhatsApp number.

    • /whatsapp numbers: To view and edit all connected WhatsApp number.

    • /whatsapp view-templates: To see all Template messages.

    • /whatsapp send-template: To send a Template message

    • /whatsapp support: Get support information

    • /whatsapp help: To see this shortcut again

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