Using Zapier App
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    Using Zapier App

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    Article summary

    With the Zapier app installed on your workspace by the workspace administrator, you can start using the integration by simply going to the Zapier platform and creating Zaps with the Rocket.Chat app.

    To verify the installation of the app, navigate to Administrator > Apps > Installed

    The Rocket.Chat app on the Zapier platform can function both as a trigger and an action in creating your Zap. For a comprehensive list of available actions and triggers, refer to this list Rocket.Chat Zapier actions and triggers.

    To illustrate the integration's functionality, we have provided some example Zaps:

    • Using Rocket.Chat Trigger to Rocket.Chat Action

    • Rocket.Chat Trigger to External Action

    • External Trigger to Rocket.Chat Action

    Zapier Rocket.Chat trigger to Rocket.Chat action

    This example makes use of the Rocket.Chat New channel trigger and the Send direct message action.

    This sends a direct message to a user when a new Channel is created.

    Zapier Send a direct message when a new channel is created

    Follow these steps to create the zap.

    • Log in to your Zapier dashboard

    • Click on +Create Zap to begin creating a new Zap

    • Search and select the Rocket.Chat app as Trigger

    • In the event field, select the New channel event

    • In the Account settings, click Sign in to your Rocket.Chat workspace. A window pops up requesting your workspace URL

      • Fill in your workspace BaseURL then click Yes, continue

      • Authorize with the Rocket.Chat OAuth to link the currently logged-in user

    • Click Continue after a successful connection then Test Trigger

    After Configuring the Zapier trigger, the next step is configuring the action.

    • Search and select the Rocket.Chat app as the Action app

    • In the event field, select the Send direct message event and Continue

    • Select the Rocket.Chat workspace linked above or connect another Rocket.Chat workspace to use

    • Configure the desired field in the action section to format the message structure using the example data available

      • Message: The message text to send.

      • User: Select the user to be DMed.

      • Alias: The user to send the message as.

    • Click Continue then Test action. You receive a test message formatted as configured.

    • Publish and Turn On the Zap

    After creating the Zap, you can test its functionalities by Creating a new channel and confirm you received a message from the with the Alias you configured with information about a newly created channel.

    Zapier Rocket.Chat trigger to external action

    This example makes use of the Rocket.Chat New message posted on public channel trigger and the Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets action.

    This creates a Google Sheet row to an existing sheet when a message is posted in any public Rocket.Chat channel.

    Zapier Create Google Sheet row when a message is posted in a public channel

    Follow these steps to create the zap.

    • Log in to your Zapier dashboard

    • Click on +Create Zap to begin creating a new Zap

    • Search and select the Rocket.Chat app as Trigger

    • In the event field, select the New message posted on public channel event

    • In the Account settings, click Sign in to your Rocket.Chat workspace. A window pops up requesting your workspace URL

      • Fill in your workspace BaseURL then click Yes, continue

      • Authorize with the Rocket.Chat OAuth to link the currently logged-in user

    • Click Continue and choose the public Channel to listen in on your workspace then Test Trigger

    After Configuring the Zapier Trigger, the next step is configuring the Action.

    • Search and select the Google Sheets app as the Action app

    • In the event field, select the Create Spreadsheet Row event and Continue

    • In the Account settings, click Sign in to authenticate and connect your Google account

    • Select the desired Drive, Spreadsheet, and Worksheet to write to

    • Set the data to be inputted under the respective Sheet column

    • Click Continue then Test action. You see the sheet filled with some example data

    • Publish and Turn On the Zap

    After creating the Zap, whenever a message is posted in the specified channel, a Google Sheet row gets created

    Zapier external trigger to Rocket.Chat action

    This example makes use of the New Message Posted to Channel in Slack trigger and the Send private channel message Rocket.Chat action.

    This forwards any message sent in a Slack channel to a private channel in Rocket.Chat.

    Zapier forward Slack Messages to Rocket.Chat channel

    Follow these steps to create the zap.

    • Log in to your Zapier dashboard

    • Click on +Create Zap to begin creating a new Zap

    • Search and select the Slack app as Trigger

    • In the event field, select the New Message Posted to Channel event and Continue

    • In the Account settings, click Sign in to authenticate and connect your Slack account

    • Select the Slack Channel to listen to and Continue

    After Configuring the Zapier Trigger, the next step is configuring the Action.

    • Search and select the Rocket.Chat app as the Action app

    • In the event field, select the Send private channel message event and Continue

    • Select a linked Rocket.Chat workspace Sign in to a Rocket.Chat workspace to use

    • Configure the desired field in the action section to format the message structure using the example data available

      • Message: The message text to send.

      • Group: The private Rocket.Chat group to post the message in.

      • Alias: The user to send the message as.

    • Click Continue then Test action. You receive a test message in then private group formatted as configured

    • Publish and Turn On the Zap

    After creating the Zap, whenever a message is posted in the specified Slack channel, it gets forwarded to a Rocket.Chat private channel.

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