Migrate from Built-In Meteor MongoDB to External Server
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    Migrate from Built-In Meteor MongoDB to External Server

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    Article summary

    Rocket.Chat uses the Meteor open-source framework, and the data is typically stored in MongoDB. If you want to migrate from the built-in Meteor MongoDB server to an external MongoDB server, follow the steps in this guide.

    We do not advise running Rocket.Chat in production from the source using the meteor command. Instead, we recommend using a separate Mongo database and using a compiled meteor bundle, either our official release or your own.

    See our recommended deployment methods.

    Before starting, make sure Meteor is running and follow these steps:

    1. Run the command: mongodump -h --port 3001 -d meteor. This will dump the database in a folder called dump.

    2. Then, install Mongodb on your system.

    3. Once Mongo is installed, restore the data using: mongorestore -d meteor dump/meteor

      1. In this step, if you want to use a different database, change the database name. Replace -d meteor with your desired database name.

    4. Then follow the remainder of the guide on deploying Rocket.Chat for your current OS.

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