Real-time Monitoring
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    Real-time Monitoring

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    Article summary

    Real-time monitoring allows you to monitor your incoming and ongoing Livechat conversations in real-time.

    To access the Omnichannel real-time monitoring dashboard, go to Administration > Omnichannel > Real-time Monitoring. These monitoring metrics can be filtered by the department and set to be updated in a specified amount of time by changing the Update every field.

    When a Livechat conversation is initiated, it is reflected immediately on the monitoring dashboard in real-time.

    Monitoring conversations metrics

    This section shows matrices about all Livechat conversations.

    • Total Conversations: It represents the total number of conversations at the current time.

    • Open Conversations: This shows the number of open conversations for your selected department at the current moment.

    • On Hold Conversations: This shows the number of conversations on hold at the moment.

    • Total Messages: It represents the total number of messages received in all the current-day conversations.

    • Total Visitors: It represents the total number of Livechat users for your selected department for the current day.

    Monitoring chat metrics

    • Total Abandoned Chats: It represents the total number of conversations abandoned by the visitor for your selected department's current day.

    • Average of Abandoned Chats: Shows in percentage the number of abandoned chats.

    • Average of Chat Duration Time: It represents the average duration of all the conversations of your selected department for the current day.

    Monitoring livechat metrics by time

    • Busiest Time: It represents the hour(s) during the current day when you received the largest number of incoming chats.

    • Average of Service Available Time: It represents how many hours the Omnichannel service was available during the day. It means that at least one agent is available to serve Omnichannel conversations.

    • Average of Service Time: It represents the average time the agents spend serving chats in the current day.

    • Average of Response Time: If the selected chat pickup method is auto-selection, the chat is automatically assigned to an agent. This metric represents the average of agents' responses to all the conversations automatically assigned to them.

    • Average of First Response Time: This matrix represents the average of the agent's first response to all the chats he picks up.

    • Average of Reaction Time: This metric represents the average of the agent's reaction to the assigned chats.

    • Average of Waiting Time: It represents the average time your visitor spent in the waiting queue.

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