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    Article summary

    As a Livechat Manager, you can set tags to be assigned to the Livechat conversations by the agents. Tags can be used to sort Livechat conversations easily. Omnichannel Tags are used for marking and classifying Omnichannel conversations.

    A practical use case is using tags to mark the progress made on a Livechat query. You can have tags like new, blocked, in progress, completed etc.

    To access Tags settings, go to Administration > Omnichannel > Tags.

    List Omnichannel tags

    On the Tags page, you see a list of tags if they exist. Clicking on one opens up a page where it can be edited.

    Create Omnichannel tags

    To create a new tag:

    • Click Create tag.

    • Enter the following information:

      • Name: Enter the name you wish for the Tag

      • Description: A description of what the Tag is

      • Departments: Select a list of departments in which the tag is available. Leave it empty to make it available for all departments.

    When created, Omnichannel agents can use the tag on conversations.

    Delete Omnichannel tags

    To delete an existing Tag, click on the Delete icon across the Tag from the main settings screen.

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