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    Article summary

    Setting up GitLab webhook integration allows you to receive event notifications from GitLab directly in your desired Rocket.Chat room.

    These events include and are not limited to:

    • Comments

    • Issues events

    • Merge requests

    • Deployment events

    In configuring this integration, make sure your Rocket.Chat is publicly available on a URL.

    GitLab Rocket.Chat integration

    To configure the webhook integration between GitLab and Rocket.Chat, you need to:

    1. Create a new webhook integration on Rocket.Chat

    2. Link to the GitLab repository webhook setting

    Follow the steps below to do that.

    Create a new GitLab webhook integration

    • On your Rocket.Chat workspace, go to Administration -> Workspace -> Integrations

    • Switch to the Incoming tab and create a New Integration

    • Fill in the details of your webhook including the name of the webhook, the room to post into, the user to post as and enable it

      GitLab new incoming Webhook
    • Enable Scripts and paste the following code into the Script box

    /* eslint no-console:0, max-len:0 */
    // see <> for full json posted by GitLab
    const MENTION_ALL_ALLOWED = false; // <- check that bot permission allow has mention-all before passing this to true.
    const NOTIF_COLOR = '#6498CC';
    const IGNORE_CONFIDENTIAL = true;
    const refParser = (ref) => ref.replace(/^refs\/(?:tags|heads)\/(.+)$/, '$1');
    const displayName = (name) => (name && name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '.'));
    const atName = (user) => (user && ? '@' + displayName( : '');
    const makeAttachment = (author, text, color) => {
        return {
            author_name: author ? displayName( : '',
            author_icon: author ? author.avatar_url : '',
            color: color || NOTIF_COLOR
    const pushUniq = (array, val) => ~array.indexOf(val) || array.push(val); // eslint-disable-line
    class Script { // eslint-disable-line
        process_incoming_request({ request }) {
            try {
                let result = null;
                const channel =;
                const event = request.headers['x-gitlab-event'];
                switch (event) {
                    case 'Push Hook':
                        result = this.pushEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Merge Request Hook':
                        result = this.mergeRequestEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Note Hook':
                        result = this.commentEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Confidential Issue Hook':
                    case 'Issue Hook':
                        result = this.issueEvent(request.content, event);
                    case 'Tag Push Hook':
                        result = this.tagEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Pipeline Hook':
                        result = this.pipelineEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Build Hook': // GitLab < 9.3
                        result = this.buildEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Job Hook': // GitLab >= 9.3.0
                        result = this.buildEvent(request.content);
                    case 'Wiki Page Hook':
                        result = this.wikiEvent(request.content);
                        result = this.unknownEvent(request, event);
                if (result && result.content && channel) {
           = '#' + channel;
                return result;
            } catch (e) {
                console.log('gitlabevent error', e);
                return this.createErrorChatMessage(e);
        createErrorChatMessage(error) {
            return {
                content: {
                    username: 'Rocket.Cat ErrorHandler',
                    text: 'Error occured while parsing an incoming webhook request. Details attached.',
                    icon_url: '',
                    attachments: [
                            text: `Error: '${error}', \n Message: '${error.message}', \n Stack: '${error.stack}'`,
                            color: NOTIF_COLOR
        unknownEvent(data, event) {
            return {
                content: {
                    username: data.user ? : (data.user_name || 'Unknown user'),
                    text: `Unknown event '${event}' occured. Data attached.`,
                    icon_url: data.user ? data.user.avatar_url : (data.user_avatar || ''),
                    attachments: [
                            text: `${JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)}`,
                            color: NOTIF_COLOR
        issueEvent(data, event) {
            if (event === 'Confidential Issue Hook' && IGNORE_CONFIDENTIAL) {
                return false;
            const project = data.project || data.repository;
            const state = data.object_attributes.state;
            const action = data.object_attributes.action;
            let user_action = state;
            let assigned = '';
            if (action === 'update') {
                user_action = 'updated';
            if (data.assignee) {
                assigned = `*Assigned to*: @${data.assignee.username}\n`;
            return {
                content: {
                    username: 'gitlab/' +,
                    icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user.avatar_url || '',
                    text: (data.assignee && !== ? atName(data.assignee) : '',
                    attachments: [
                            data.user, `${user_action} an issue _${data.object_attributes.title}_ on ${}.
    *Description:* ${data.object_attributes.description}.
    See: ${data.object_attributes.url}`
        commentEvent(data) {
            const project = data.project || data.repository;
            const comment = data.object_attributes;
            const user = data.user;
            const at = [];
            let text;
            if (data.merge_request) {
                const mr = data.merge_request;
                const lastCommitAuthor = mr.last_commit &&;
                if (mr.assignee && !== {
                if (lastCommitAuthor && !== {
                    pushUniq(at, atName(lastCommitAuthor));
                text = `commented on MR [#${} ${mr.title}](${comment.url})`;
            } else if (data.commit) {
                const commit = data.commit;
                const message = commit.message.replace(/\n[^\s\S]+/, '...').replace(/\n$/, '');
                if ( && !== {
                text = `commented on commit [${, 8)} ${message}](${comment.url})`;
            } else if (data.issue) {
                const issue = data.issue;
                text = `commented on issue [#${} ${issue.title}](${comment.url})`;
            } else if (data.snippet) {
                const snippet = data.snippet;
                text = `commented on code snippet [#${} ${snippet.title}](${comment.url})`;
            return {
                content: {
                    username: 'gitlab/' +,
                    icon_url: project.avatar_url || user.avatar_url || '',
                    text: at.join(' '),
                    attachments: [
                        makeAttachment(user, `${text}\n${comment.note}`)
        mergeRequestEvent(data) {
            const user = data.user;
            const mr = data.object_attributes;
            const assignee = mr.assignee;
            let at = [];
            if (mr.action === 'open' && assignee) {
                at = '\n' + atName(assignee);
            } else if (mr.action === 'merge') {
                const lastCommitAuthor = mr.last_commit &&;
                if (assignee && !== {
                if (lastCommitAuthor && !== {
                    pushUniq(at, atName(lastCommitAuthor));
            return {
                content: {
                    username: `gitlab/${}`,
                    icon_url: || mr.source.avatar_url || user.avatar_url || '',
                    text: at.join(' '),
                    attachments: [
                        makeAttachment(user, `${mr.action} MR [#${mr.iid} ${mr.title}](${mr.url})\n${mr.source_branch} into ${mr.target_branch}`)
        pushEvent(data) {
            const project = data.project || data.repository;
            const web_url = project.web_url || project.homepage;
            const user = {
                name: data.user_name,
                avatar_url: data.user_avatar
            // branch removal
            if (data.checkout_sha === null && !data.commits.length) {
                return {
                    content: {
                        username: `gitlab/${}`,
                        icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
                        attachments: [
                            makeAttachment(user, `removed branch ${refParser(data.ref)} from [${}](${web_url})`)
            // new branch
            if (data.before == 0) { // eslint-disable-line
                return {
                    content: {
                        username: `gitlab/${}`,
                        icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
                        attachments: [
                            makeAttachment(user, `pushed new branch [${refParser(data.ref)}](${web_url}/commits/${refParser(data.ref)}) to [${}](${web_url}), which is ${data.total_commits_count} commits ahead of master`)
            return {
                content: {
                    username: `gitlab/${}`,
                    icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
                    attachments: [
                        makeAttachment(user, `pushed ${data.total_commits_count} commits to branch [${refParser(data.ref)}](${web_url}/commits/${refParser(data.ref)}) in [${}](${web_url})`),
                            text: => `  - ${new Date(commit.timestamp).toUTCString()} [${, 8)}](${commit.url}) by ${}: ${commit.message.replace(/\s*$/, '')}`).join('\n'),
                            color: NOTIF_COLOR
        tagEvent(data) {
            const project = data.project || data.repository;
            const web_url = project.web_url || project.homepage;
            const tag = refParser(data.ref);
            const user = {
                name: data.user_name,
                avatar_url: data.user_avatar
            let message;
            if (data.checkout_sha === null) {
                message = `deleted tag [${tag}](${web_url}/tags/)`;
            } else {
                message = `pushed tag [${tag} ${data.checkout_sha.slice(0, 8)}](${web_url}/tags/${tag})`;
            return {
                content: {
                    username: `gitlab/${}`,
                    icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
                    text: MENTION_ALL_ALLOWED ? '@all' : '',
                    attachments: [
                        makeAttachment(user, message)
        createColor(status) {
            switch (status) {
                case 'success':
                    return '#2faa60';
                case 'pending':
                    return '#e75e40';
                case 'failed':
                    return '#d22852';
                case 'canceled':
                    return '#5c5c5c';
                case 'created':
                    return '#ffc107';
                case 'running':
                    return '#607d8b';
                    return null;
        pipelineEvent(data) {
            const project = data.project || data.repository;
            const commit = data.commit;
            const user = {
                name: data.user_name,
                avatar_url: data.user_avatar
            const pipeline = data.object_attributes;
            return {
                content: {
                    username: `gitlab/${}`,
                    icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user_avatar || '',
                    attachments: [
                        makeAttachment(user, `pipeline returned *${pipeline.status}* for commit [${, 8)}](${commit.url}) made by *${}*`, this.createColor(pipeline.status))
        buildEvent(data) {
            const user = {
                name: data.user_name,
                avatar_url: data.user_avatar
            return {
                content: {
                    username: `gitlab/${}`,
                    icon_url: '',
                    attachments: [
                        makeAttachment(user, `build named *${data.build_name}* returned *${data.build_status}* for [${data.project_name}](${data.repository.homepage})`, this.createColor(data.build_status))
        wikiPageTitle(wiki_page) {
            if (wiki_page.action === 'delete') {
                return wiki_page.title;
            return `[${wiki_page.title}](${wiki_page.url})`;
        wikiEvent(data) {
            const user_name =;
            const project = data.project;
            const project_path = project.path_with_namespace;
            const wiki_page = data.object_attributes;
            const wiki_page_title = this.wikiPageTitle(wiki_page);
            const action = wiki_page.action;
            let user_action = 'modified';
            if (action === 'create') {
                user_action = 'created';
            } else if (action === 'update') {
                user_action = 'edited';
            } else if (action === 'delete') {
                user_action = 'deleted';
            return {
                content: {
                    username: project_path,
                    icon_url: project.avatar_url || data.user.avatar_url || '',
                    text: `The wiki page ${wiki_page_title} was ${user_action} by ${user_name}`
    • Save the settings

    • The Webhook URL and Token are generated after saving

    • Copy these credentials, they will be used later

    GitLab webhook url and token

    GitLab webhooks settings

    After creating the new incoming webhook integration on Rocket.Chat, it is time to link it up with the GitLab repository.

    • Go to your GitLab project page, then go to Settings > Webhooks

    • Fill in the URL and token you copied from the Rocket.Chat setting

    • Select the type of events you want to be notified on and Add webhook

    GitLab webhook setting

    After successful configuration, you can test the Webhook with any event trigger and see the notification in your specified Rocket.Chat room.

    GitLab webhook test

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