Deploying Rocket.Chat Server Binaries on a FreeBSD system
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    Deploying Rocket.Chat Server Binaries on a FreeBSD system

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    Article summary

    Note: This deployment method is not officially supported by Rocket.Chat, you might need to build your own or find a community version of the tar file.

    This is the recommended production deployment method on and is based on the excellent Meteor Universal fork by Tom Freudenberg.

    As root:

    # pkg install bash git GraphicsMagick mongodb python scons gmake
    # sysrc mongod_enable=YES
    # service mongod start
    # pw groupadd rocketchat
    # pw useradd rocketchat -g rocketchat -s /usr/local/bin/bash -m
    # su -l rocketchat

    As user running Rocket.Chat:

    $ git clone --depth 1 -b release-1.2.1-universal
    $ cd meteor
    $ ./meteor --version
    $ cd $HOME
    $ tar xf
    $ cd $HOME/bundle/programs/server
    $ $HOME/meteor/dev_bundle/bin/npm install
    $ cd $HOME/bundle
    $ export MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/rocketchat
    $ export Accounts_UseDNSDomainCheck=false
    $ export ROOT_URL=
    $ export PORT=3000
    $ export ADMIN_PASS=supersecret
    $ export ADMIN_USER=admin
    $ $HOME/meteor/dev_bundle/bin/node $HOME/bundle/main.js

    A very crude startup file for the server, (very ugly, does not fork, don't set rocketchat_enable=YES):

    # PROVIDE: rocketchat
    # REQUIRE: LOGIN mongod
    # KEYWORD: shutdown
    # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf
    # to enable this service:
    # rocketchat_enable (bool): Set to "NO" by default.
    # rocketchat_env (str): List of environment variables passed to rocketchat
    . /etc/rc.subr
    load_rc_config $name
    : ${rocketchat_enable="NO"}
    : ${rocketchat_env="MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/rocketchat PORT=3000"}
    : ${rocketchat_user="rocketchat"}
    : ${rocketchat_group="rocketchat"}
    run_rc_command "$1"

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