WhatsApp 360Dialog (Cloud API) Agent's Guide
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    WhatsApp 360Dialog (Cloud API) Agent's Guide

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    Article summary

    If you set up WhatsApp app integration and a user sends you a message on the connected WhatsApp number,

    • It appears in your Rocket.Chat workspace like any other Omnichannel conversation, available for an agent to take or in queue based on the defined routing algorithm.

    • You can respond to the customer from your workspace, who receives the response on WhatsApp.

    • You can also send and receive files during the conversation.

    • You can send template messages using the template message endpoint.

    App slash commands

    Enter the slash command /whatsapp-360d-cloud to use the app shortcuts. Agents can use the following slash commands:

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud view-templates: See all existing template messages. The information displayed includes the name, connected WhatsApp number, and the languages.

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud send-template: Send a template message to the Omnichannel conversation.

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