WhatsApp 360Dialog (Cloud API)
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    WhatsApp 360Dialog (Cloud API)

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    Article summary

    • This app is currently in beta. Expect ongoing updates and improvements. Your feedback is appreciated to enhance the app’s functionality.

    • To move to the 360Dialog Cloud API from the on-premise API, refer to the 360Dialog documentation.

    The WhatsApp 360Dialog app (Cloud API) is an integration for Rocket.Chat in partnership with 360Dialog, an official WhatsApp Business API provider offering message templates, automation, support, and data protection services.

    Rocket.Chat’s 360Dialog (cloud API) app allows you to integrate your WhatsApp conversations with your Rocket.Chat workspace. You can send and receive text and media messages, send template messages, and register webhooks to receive messages. This document guides you through the app configuration details.


    Before you proceed, keep the following points in mind about the data storage region:

    • Our 360Dialog Cloud API architecture uses Meta for default data storage, hosted in the US. Depending on your location, this could involve an international data transfer. Even if you opt to change the storage location, our omnigateway remains situated in the US, necessitating an international data transfer. Refer to our Privacy Policy for information on data transfers.

    • If you are a current 360Dialog customer and considering to transition from the on-premise API to the Cloud API, you can proceed independently. However, we recommend ensuring compliance with privacy regulations relevant to your jurisdiction.

    • If you have any questions or require support, contact our privacy team.

    Install WhatsApp app

    1. Go to Administration > Apps > Marketplace.

    2. Search for the WhatsApp 360Dialog (Cloud API) app.

    3. Click Install and accept the needed permissions. The app bot will then send you a message with the setup instructions in the #omnichannel-whatsapp-cloud-api-setup private channel.

    Configure WhatsApp app

    After installing the app, you can update the app settings according to your requirements. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. On the App Info page of the app, go to the Settings tab.

    2. Enter the values for the following fields:



    Agents Display Info

    Select the agent information that would be added to every message sent by an agent to a visitor. The options are as follows:

    • None: No agent information is displayed.

    • Name: The agent’s name is displayed in the conversations.

    • Username: The agent’s username is displayed in the conversations.

    File Uploads Enabled

    Select this option to enable file upload in the conversations. By default, file upload is enabled.

    Maximum File Upload Size (in bytes)

    Enter the maximum file size that can be uploaded. Set it to -1 to remove the file size limitation. By default, the value is 104857600.

    Accepted Media Types

    Enter the file media types that you want to accept. This is a comma-separated list of media types. Leave it blank to accept all media types. By default, the value is image/*, application/pdf, video/*, audio/*. See Supported Media Types for details.

    Allow Quote Messages

    If this option is enabled, agents can see the message when the visitor quotes or replies to a message on WhatsApp.

    Template Message Metadata Refresh Interval(in Minutes)*

    For a better user experience, the app will cache some template messages’ meta-data information. This setting defines the duration the app will automatically refresh its cache. Send template messages using the Send a template message endpoint.

    Message Status Endpoint URL

    Enter an endpoint URL where you want to receive the status of each message that is exchanged.

    Filter Message Status

    Select the statuses you want to receive at the Message Status Endpoint URL endpoint based on the message type. The options are as follows:

    • All: Receive the status of all messages.

    • Regular Messages: Receive the status of regular messages.

    • Template Messages: Receive the status of template messages only.

    By default, the value is All.

    Allow List options for Quick Replies

    If this option is enabled, then messages with more than three quick reply options will be rendered as list options. Note that the maximum limit for list options is ten. By default, this option is enabled.

    Custom label for all List Option button*

    Enter the custom label message you want to display on all quick reply options that are sent as a list. By default, the message is Show Options.

    Preferred Language*

    Select the preferred language for this app. We'll try to show system messages in this language. If it is not available, then English will be used. By default, English is selected.

    Connect WhatsApp numbers

    After installing and configuring the app, connect verified WhatsApp numbers in the #omnichannel-whatsapp-cloud-api-setup private channel to enable communication. The bot sends the message Do you currently have a 360Dialog account? - If you don't we'll create one. Click No if you don’t have a 360Dialog account. Create an account first, then proceed with the following steps. If you have an account, click Yes and follow these steps:

    1. Click Connect WhatsApp Number and enter the following details according to your requirements:




    API Key*

    Enter the API key that you generated in your 360Dialog account.


    Phone Number*

    Enter the WhatsApp number that you have added to the 360Dialog account.



    Select the department from the drop-down menu. Ensure that departments are created and agents are assigned to the departments.


    Welcome Message (optional)

    Enter the message that your customers receive automatically when they message you.

    Hello! Thank you for contacting us!

    Conversation Finished Message (optional)

    Enter the message that your customers receive automatically when an agent closes the conversation.

    We are happy to help you!

    Default message for offline service (optional)

    Enter the message that your customers receive automatically when no agent is available for the conversation.

    We will get back to you soon!

    1. Once you have entered the details, click Connect.

    You receive a success message that your WhatsApp number is now connected! Now, anyone in your organization can receive messages from this number and reply via Rocket.Chat. If your business has not yet been verified by Facebook, you need to start the business verification process within the Facebook Business Manager.

    If you get an error message, check the app’s Logs tab to find the cause. If the issue is related to an invalid token, contact the Rocket.Chat support team for assistance.

    Manage connected WhatsApp numbers

    • After the number has successfully been connected to Rocket.Chat, you can click Edit to modify the details.

    • Click Disconnect to remove the connected number.

    App slash commands

    Enter the slash command /whatsapp-360d-cloud to use the following shortcuts:

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud connect: Connect a new WhatsApp number.

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud numbers: View and edit all connected WhatsApp numbers.

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud view-templates: See all template messages. The information displayed includes the name, the WhatsApp number connected, and the languages used. Click Refresh Templates to sync the 360Dialog template messages with Rocket.Chat.

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud send-template: Send a template message.

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud support: Get support information.

    • /whatsapp-360d-cloud help: See the list of shortcuts.

    API endpoints

    The available endpoints are displayed on the Details tab of the App Info page.

    Get success message

    The GET authSuccess endpoint is called when 360Dialog’s authentication process is successful. After registering an account on 360Dialog, 360Dialog automatically calls this endpoint and redirects back to the workspace upon successful authentication. You don’t need to take any action from your end.

    For example, the request looks like this:

    curl -X GET https://{workspace-url}/api/apps/private/87cf50f2-2db4-4e05-a8fd-135ad24f9c08/6683e1680f160e8654ffd46b/authSuccess

    Incoming message

    The POST incoming endpoint is used by the app to receive messages from WhatsApp. You generally don’t need to take action with this endpoint.

    For example, the request looks like this:

    curl -X POST https://{workspace-url}/api/apps/private/87cf50f2-2db4-4e05-a8fd-135ad24f9c08/6683e1680f160e8654ffd46b/incoming

    Send a template message

    You must use the POST templateMessage endpoint to send template messages. For more details, refer to the developer guide on sending template messages in Rocket.Chat and the 360dialog template messages guide.

    For example, the request looks like this:

    curl -X POST https://{workspace-url}/api/apps/private/87cf50f2-2db4-4e05-a8fd-135ad24f9c08/6683e1680f160e8654ffd46b/templateMessage

    The request body should look something like this:

    "phoneNumbers": [
        "connectedWhatsAppNo": "555195251xxx",
        "template": {
            "name": "boarding_pass",
            "language": {
                "code": "en",
                "policy": "deterministic"
            "components": [
                    "type": "header",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "halo"
                    "type": "body",
                    "parameters": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "abc"
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "xyz"

    Get the sidebar icon

    You can use the GET get-sidebar-icon endpoint to get the WhatsApp conversation room icons displayed in the Chats in Progress section on the left-hand menu.

    For example, the request looks like this:

    curl -X GET https://{workspace-url}/api/apps/public/87cf50f2-2db4-4e05-a8fd-135ad24f9c08/get-sidebar-icon

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