Salesforce CRM
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    Salesforce CRM

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    Article summary

    The Rocket.Chat Salesforce CRM cloud app enables businesses to effectively manage sales, marketing, and support services. Using this app, you can maintain customer data, track sales leads, and create and monitor marketing campaigns.

    Key features of the Rocket.Chat Salesforce CRM app

    • Streamline communication between sales teams, customer service, and management.

    • Quickly access customer information and history.

    • Consolidate data from both platforms to analyze the operations and customer relations.

    • Different teams and departments have access to the same information, ensuring consistency in customer interactions.

    Configure Salesforce CRM

    • Create a private key and public key certificate with these commands:

    Linux has OpenSSL by default to run these commands. However, you can choose your preferred method.

    openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024
    openssl req -new -x509 -key privatekey.pem -out publickey.cer -days 3650

    To view the keys you just created, run this command:

    ls -lrt
    • Retrieve and copy the private key using this command:

    openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -check
    • Create a new connected app on Salesforce.

      • Fill in the name, email, and other required information.

      • Check the Enable OAuth Settings option.

      • Add your callback URL.

      • Check the Use Digital signatures option and upload the public key certificate (publickey.cer) you created earlier.

      • For the Selected OAuth scopes, add the api refresh_token offline_access option.

      • Click Save.

    • Click Manage Consumer Key and copy the Consumer Key.

    • Navigate to Settings > Apps > Manage Apps > Connected Apps. From the list of connected apps, click the Edit action beside the app you created earlier.

      • Select Admin approved users are pre-authorized option for Permitted Users dropdown option.

      • Click Save.

    • Navigate to Settings > Users > Users and confirm your user profile name.

    • Navigate to Settings > Users > Profile. From the list of profiles, click the Edit action beside your user's profile name. Alternatively, click the profile name, then hit the Edit button.

      • Scroll to Connected App Access and select the checkbox of the app you created.

      • Click Save.

    Install Salesforce CRM integration app

    To install the Salesforce CRM Integration App,

    • Go to Administration > Apps > Marketplace.

    • Search for the Salesforce CRM Integration app.

    • Click Install and accept the needed permissions.

    You must have the Omnichannel feature enabled and have agents and managers assigned to receive and send Omnichannel messages.

    Configure Salesforce CRM integration app

    To configure the Salesforce CRM Integration App,

    • On the Salesforce CRM Integration App Info screen, navigate to Settings.

    • Update the required fields:

      • Consumer Key: The consumer key from your Salesforce instance.

      • Private Key: The private key from your Salesforce instance.

      • Salesforce Username: Your salesforce username, it's useful for identification.

      • Authentication URL: Authentication URL for Salesforce API. In the case of production, this should be

      • Audience for JWT: In case of production, this should be

      • Display Contact information when assigning the agent to the chat: If enabled, Salesforce contact information will be displayed to agents when assigned to chats.

      • Auto-Save/Update Contacts when a Chat Ends: If enabled, the app will auto-save/update the customers' info on Salesforce once an agent closes the chat.

      • Metadata Refresh Interval(in Minutes): The duration within which the app will automatically refresh its cache. For a better user experience, the app will cache some meta-data information from Salesforce.

      • Salesforce Session Timeout(in Minutes): It should be the same as the Session Timeout setting on your Salesforce Setting ( Setup > Session Settings > Session Timeout > Timeout Value ).

    • Click Save Changes.

    Salesforce CRM integration app shortcuts

    The Salesforce CRM integration lists shortcuts to ease usage during Omnichannel conversations.

    • /salesforce contact : View Contact information.

    • /salesforce create-contact : Create a new contact.

    • /salesforce cases : View All Contact cases.

    • /salesforce create-case : Create a new case.

    • /salesforce case 123 : View information about a specific Case using the Case Number.

    • /salesforce help : Shows help message.

    Uninstall Salesforce CRM integration app

    To delete the Salesforce CRM integration app from your workspace,

    • Go to Administration > Apps > Installed.

    • Click the kebab menu against the Salesforce CRM Integration app.

    • Select Uninstall.

    • Click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.

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