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    Article summary

    Polls are a great way to drive engagement from your team members and receive quick feedback. The Poll app allows you to create polls inside a room.

    To install the Poll app,

    • Go to Administration > Apps > Marketplace.

    • Search for the Poll app and click on it.

    • Click on the Install button.

    How to use the Poll app

    To create a Poll,

    • Run the slash command /poll in the room you want to create the poll.

    • Then, click Enter to execute. A pop-up form is triggered for you to create the poll. The form details include the following:

      • Insert your question: The poll question.

      • Insert your options: The reply options for the poll.

      • Add a choice: Add more reply options for the poll.

      • Choice type: Select if the poll will be multiple choice or single choice.

      • Vote visibility: Select if the poll will have "open vote" or "confidential vote."

      • Always Show Vote: Select when to show poll results.

    • After creating the poll, it is available in the room for the users to vote.

    To finish the poll,

    • Select the Kebab menu top of the poll.

    • Then, click Finish poll.

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