WhatsApp Business App FAQ
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    WhatsApp Business App FAQ

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    Article summary

    New customers

    What are available WhatsApp apps?

    In the Rocket.Chat marketplace, the following WhatsApp apps are available for Omnichannel conversations:

    Can customers try WhatsApp free of charge? Is there any kind of free trial?

    Not at the moment. We have provided a Whatsapp Sandbox app to help you test the Whatsapp integration.

    Can customers who have community workspaces open tickets about WhatsApp?

    Community workspaces that purchase the app will have access to support for all matters related to WhatsApp. This process should be done by opening a ticket at Zoho desk.

    What does a customer who has an old version of WhatsApp need to do to get the new one?

    Existing customers should uninstall the existing Whatsapp app and install the updated one. Before that, copy the API KEY and paste it onto the app after installing it.

    What is the oldest version of Rocket.chat that supports WhatsApp?


    What do we do with air-gapped customers?

    We won’t be able to serve air-gapped customers because the necessity to connect with the 360Dialog proxy is needed to have access to the WhatsApp business API.

    Billing model

    How are charges made?

    In an effort to provide a better experience to our customers, Rocket.Chat will be responsible for sending a single invoice with any other charges due Rocket.Chat.

    App installation

    What to register first? 360 Dialog / Facebook?

    The process starts at Rocket.Chat, after installing the App, the user is guided through all the steps. The 360D account is created, the phone number is sent, and the number will be set up and ready for production in less than 10 minutes. It is also essential for the customer to have a Facebook business manager account in the company's name. Check the signup documentation for details on this link.

    What are the minimum requirements for registration?

    A Facebook business manager account and a valid phone number can receive calls or SMS.

    Messaging with WhatsApp

    How does Whatsapp template messaging work?

    Template messages must be submitted to Facebook for review before they are available for use. It is Facebook that reviews each template and checks that each message complies with their WhatsApp API guidelines

    When to use templates for WhatsApp messaging?

    If a customer initiates messaging with you, Facebook will not charge you for any WhatsApp messages (including templated messages) that you send to that customer for up to 24 hours following the last message that the customer sends to you ("customer care window"). Any message you send your customers beyond the customer care window must be a template message. WhatsApp does not charge for incoming messages from the customer side or outgoing messages from the company side as long as they are sent within the 24-hour time window. To use a message template, WhatsApp wants to approve each message template to avoid spam. Once WhatsApp has approved your template, you can use the message template to send notifications. Templates use placeholder values that can be replaced with dynamic content inside double curly braces when the message is sent. Think of template messages as a conversation starter in a two-way conversation.

    Visit the WhatsApp template messaging guide for more examples and approval tips.

    Can I send active messages to the customer?

    Yes, but be aware of the details. If a customer initiates messaging with you, Facebook will not charge you for any WhatsApp messages (including templated messages) that you send to that customer for up to 24 hours following the last message that the customer sends to you ("customer care window"). Any message you send your customers beyond the customer care window must be a template message. WhatsApp does not charge for incoming messages from the customer side or outgoing messages from the company side as long as they are sent within the 24-hour time window.

    Visit the WhatsApp template messaging guide for more information

    How do I send active messages to the customer?

    You should do that through template messages.

    How do my agents send active messages to the customer?

    You should do that through template messages.

    After the client replies to an active message, does he go to the agent who sent it?

    It depends on your current Omnichannel setup, as it can be redirected to a specific department or if it's public. The message will go to the agent who sent it as long as the agent is active. If not, it will be redirected to an active agent. See Whatsapp endpoints for more information.

    Technical questions

    How to register a number?

    To register a new number,

    • Copy your newly generated API key on 360Dialog.

    • On your Rocket.Chat workspace, click Connect WhatsApp Number in the omnichannel-whatsapp-setup channel.

      • Paste your API key in API Key,

      • Associate this WhatsApp number with a specific Department.

      • Set a Welcome Message.

      • Set a Conversation Finished Message. It is a message sent to your customer when an agent closes the conversation.

      • Set a Default message for offline service. It is a message sent to your customer when no agents are available online.

    • Click Connect,

    Your WhatsApp number is now connected to Rocket.Chat.

    Could it be a number that has already been used by an individual and a corporation?

    Yes, but the number submitted must be a new number that was never used as an API. If the customer wants to port their number from another broker, 360Dialog provides this service, but it only works through the standard submission form available via the setup channel. It is important to remember that once a number is used as an API, it cannot be used again.

    Can it be VOIP / 0800 / Landline?

    Yes, all of them. You can choose whether to receive the code by call or SMS. So, in the case of a landline, you can choose the call. In general, those 0800 lines have an audible response unit (ARU) to distribute the service to the best sector. We also suggest disabling it when you receive the call or configuring it so that the call reaches a functional line.

    After using this phone, can I change the number?

    You can't exactly change the number. You can register a new number and then delete the old one.

    After using this phone, can I use it again?

    A number can only be registered once in the API. If you need to, you can migrate to another vendor. But if the number is excluded, it becomes infeasible.

    Is there a chatbot for WhatsApp?

    One of Rocket. Chat's strength is its integration flexibility capabilities. It means a variety of chatbot solutions can now be natively integrated into Rocket. Chat's Omnichannel and offer automated service on WhatsApp for business channels. Bring the power of chatbot automation to Rocket.Chat and provide personalized customer experiences in the world's most popular instant messaging app.


    How to receive support for WhatsApp?

    All issues regarding WhatsApp should be dealt with directly with Rocket.Chat. Our support team will be responsible for any contact with 360Dialog or Facebook if needed.

    360 Dialog and Facebook: Who supports it and how?

    The customer will have an account with 360dialog, but Rocket.Chat provides the service and billing, so the first point of contact should always be us, following the guidelines mentioned above.

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