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    Article summary

    Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management software. It supports user federation, OAuth, SAML, and OpenID Connect protocols. Rocket.Chat supports the SAML Keycloak configuration for you to securely manage your users and resources.


    • Rocket.Chat workspace. For example,

    • Keycloak server. For example,

    • Keycloak realm: Set up a realm you want to use, for example, master. The realm will be referenced by the placeholder <realm>.

    • Your Keycloak realm must have the SAML identity provider and RS256 algorithm as a keystore provider.

    Set up Keycloak in Rocket.Chat

    Go to the SAML configuration in Rocket.Chat settings and follow these steps:

    1. Enable the SAML connection.

    2. Provide a Keycloak server name. For example, keycloak.

    3. For the Custom Entry Point and IDP SLO Redirect URL fields:

      1. Go to the Keycloak Realm Settings.

      2. In the General tab, from the Endpoints field, select SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata. An XML file opens that displays the details.

      3. Copy and paste the URLs, for example,<realm>/protocol/saml

    4. In the Custom Issuer field, enter the URL

    5. In the Certificates section, for the Custom Certificate field:

      1. In the Keycoak Realm Settings, go to the Keys tab.

      2. Copy the RS256 certificate and paste the value in the Custom Certificate field.

    6. Generate the public certificate and private key, and enter the values in the workspace, or leave them as they are if they are present.

    7. Select the Signature Validation Type, for example, Validate Either Signature.

    8. Save the changes.

    Configure Keycloak

    1. Go to - you should get an XML file. Save the raw file to your disk. Keep in mind that SAML must be enabled in your Rocket.Chat workspace to access this file.

    2. Go to Keycloak and create a new client. Select the SAML protocol, and import the XML file from the previous step. You will be redirected to a partially pre-filled client setting page. The client ID referenced by Keycloak should be the same as the metadata URL.

    3. Check the Valid Redirect URIs - make sure that it is set to

    4. Set the Name ID Format to email.

    5. Go to the client Keys tab, and make sure that the public key (certificate) is the same as the Rocket.Chat's public key. Note that the -----BEGIN/END CERTIFICATE----- header/footer is not part of the Keycloak's public key view, but the rest should be the same. If they are not the same, save the Rocket.Chat public key into a text file as a .pem file, and import it in Keycloak - use the import PEM functionality.

    6. Go to the Mappers tab, and create mappers for the required data that Rocket.Chat expects. You shouldn't need email or username, but you probably need cn.

    7. Click Create, and choose the type User Property and set the SAML Attribute NameFormat to basic. For the first name, set Name and Property to firstName, and SAML Attribute name to cn.

    8. Save the changes.

    Your users can now log in to your Rocket.Chat workspace using their Keycloak credentials! You can also configure the user interface, behavior, and mapping settings according to your requirements.


    You may run into some problems for various reasons:

    • Q: I keep getting the Unable to validate response url: Error: Status is: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Responder error.

      • A: Make sure that the respective Keycloak user has an e-mail address. This may not be the case. For example, for the Keycloak admin.

    • Q: How do I generate a certificate pair?

      • A: Try openssl req -newkey rsa:3072 -new -x509 -days 3652 -nodes -out saml.crt -keyout saml.pem. Then, just copy the file contents to the respective fields.

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