
Omnichannel managers are responsible for managing Omnichannel conversations, they can monitor and see analytics of Omnichannel activities.

To access this menu, go to Administration > Omnichannel > Managers. Here, you can view, add or remove managers.

View Omnichannel Managers

On the Managers screen, a list of all the existing managers is displayed with the details and can be paginated if you have many managers.

Add a new Omnichannel manager

To add a user as an Omnichannel manager,

  • Search or select the user from the Username field.

  • Click Add manager.

This will automatically assign the Livechat Manager role to that user, who can now monitor and see analytics of Omnichannel activities.

Remove the Omnichannel manager

To remove or revoke Omnichannel manager access from a user, click the delete icon by the right of the user on the Omnichannel Managers list. This will remove the Livechat Manager role from that user, and they won't be able to monitor, view analytics, or see the Omnichannel menu.

Last updated

Rocket.Chat versions receive support for six months after release.