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    Article summary

    Threads help to organize conversations and enable users to discuss topics without disorganizing a room. They improve the ability to process room content, find, follow, and resume conversations more efficiently, keeping threaded discussions focused. Threads are a series of replies or follow-up conversations under any message in a Team, Channels, Discussion, or Direct Message. They are identified by: . To create a thread, visit Create a New Thread.

    View threads in a room

    To view the list of all threads in a room, click the thread icon in that room menu bar.

    Expand and collapse a thread

    Since threads appear by the side of any room in which it was created, you can expand the thread to occupy a lot of space.

    • To expand a thread, click the expand icon on the thread header.

    • To collapse a thread, click the collapse icon on the thread header.

    Follow a thread

    You can follow and unfollow threads to get notifications on any messages sent under that thread. By default, you automatically follow any thread you belong to.

    To follow or unfollow a thread, click on the bell icon on the thread header.

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    Eddy AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence