Direct email reply
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    Direct email reply

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    Article summary

    Enable this feature to allow users to reply to chat messages by directly replying to email notifications they receive. We currently use subaddressing for this feature.

    To set up credentials,

    • Navigate to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Email > Direct Reply.

    • Enable Direct Reply: Switch on to allow direct replies through emails.

    • Debug Direct Reply: Enables debugging for direct replies.

    • Protocol: Select the email server protocol (IMAP or POP).

    • Host: Your email server hostname (e.g. or

    • Port: The port (143 or 993 for IMAP and 110 or 995 for POP).

    • IgnoreTLS: Set to true if the port is 143 or 110.

    • Email Check Frequency: Email check frequency (in minutes) if POP server (>=2).

    • Delete Emails: Delete intercepted emails. We recommend keeping true if you don't want to keep copies of email messages, in the case of an IMAP server.

    • Separator: A separator (default and recommended) is the character separating the base and tag part of the email. For example, base+tag@domain (separator: +).

    • Username: The email server username.

    • Reply-To: The reply-to email address.

    • Password: The email server password.

    • Click Save changes to commit.

    Now, you can reply chat messages via email. It supports full formatting like inline, multiline, bold, italics, etc.

    Switch from IMAP to POP

    Before you switch from IMAP to POP using the same email address, you must empty all the folders. Keeping all emails results in duplicate messages because all those messages in POP are treated as new messages.


    • Currently, only emails in English are supported, or at least the quote On <date>, <author> wrote: is in English.

    • An email body in languages other than English may also work until and unless On <date>, <author> wrote: is in English, or a copy of an older email is removed manually.

    • Only text messages are supported; attachments are not supported yet.

    Known issues

    Quoted headers

    Quoted headers aren't picked up if the email client breaks it up into multiple lines.

    Gmail breaks up any lines over 80 characters for you.

    On <date>, <author>
    > blah

    Also, we are searching for on and wrote. It doesn't work with other languages.

    Possible solution: While replying, remove everything other than your actual message.

    Weird signatures

    Lines starting with - or _ sometimes mark the beginning of signatures:


    But some users change this convention:

    Mr Rick Olson
    Galactic President Superstar Mc Awesomeville
    * Note: blah blah blah                                            *


    Your message wasn't posted? Did you get an Invalid Email in the Admin console? This likely means that the email format was not as expected. Maybe you were blocked, or the message/room was deleted.

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