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    Article summary

    Logs are a very useful way to monitor workspace activities in detail. They can also be very helpful for debugging in case of failures or errors. Here, you have the interface to configure how server logs are received.

    To access this section, go to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Logs.

    • Log Exceptions to Channel: Set a channel to receive all captured exceptions. Leave empty to ignore exceptions.

    • Log Level: A dropdown to select the level of logs to receive

    • Log View Limit: The limit of logs to view

    • Trace method calls: When enabled, it enables a trace of every method call.

    • Trace method filter: The text here is evaluated as RegExp (new RegExp('text')). Keep it empty to show a trace of every call.

    • Trace subscription calls: If enabled, every subscription call will be traced.

    • Trace subscription filter: The text here is evaluated as RegExp (new RegExp('text')). Keep it empty to show a trace of every call.

    • Log Exceptions to Channel: A channel that receives all captured exceptions. Leave empty to ignore exceptions.


    Prometheus is an open-source monitoring solution.

    • Enable: When enabled, Prometheus monitoring is activated.

    • Port: The port to listen to.

    • Reset Interval (ms): Takes in time in milliseconds when the connection should be reset.

    • Collect NodeJS GC: When enabled, NodeJS garbage collector is activated.

    • API: Track User Agent: If set to true, API calls of the user agent are tracked.

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