My Account FAQ
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    My Account FAQ

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    Article summary

    How do I change my username in Rocket.Chat?

    Go to My Account > Profile, then change the Username field. Click Save changes when you're done.

    How can I deactivate my account on Rocket.Chat?

    Here is a general way to deactivate your account on Rocket.Chat:

    1. Click your profile picture (or username initials if a picture is not set) in the top left corner.

    2. Click on My Account.

    3. Select Profile from the side menu.

    4. Scroll down to find and click on Deactivate My Account.

    5. You will have to confirm your decision because this action is irreversible.

    Remember, deactivation is not deletion. The deactivation will prevent you from using your account, but your data might still be stored on the server. For complete deletion, contact your server's admin or Rocket.Chat's customer support if it's a workspace they manage directly.

    How can I change my email address in Rocket.Chat?

    Navigate to My Account > Profile. Here, you can change the Email field. Click Save changes when finished. Note: Depending on the settings of your server, this option might not be available.

    How do I change my avatar in Rocket.Chat?

    Go to My Account > Avatar, and choose from the available options (upload an image, use a URL, use Gravatar, or remove avatar). Don't forget to save the changes!

    How do I enable two-factor authentication on Rocket.Chat?

    Go to My Account > Security > Two Factor Authentication. Follow the instructions to set it up. Note: This feature may not be available on all servers.

    How can I change the language in Rocket.Chat?

    Navigate to My Account > Preferences. In the Localization section, you can choose your preferred language from the dropdown menu. Click Save changes when done.

    Can I change the theme or turn on dark mode in Rocket.Chat?

    Yes, go to My Account > Preferences > Global > Theme Appearance. Here, you can set your desired theme.

    How do I adjust notification preferences in Rocket.Chat?

    Go to My Account > Preferences > Notifications. Here, you can adjust when and how you get notified.

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