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    Article summary

    A Team in Rocket.Chat is essentially a collection of channels, each serving a specific purpose or project. For instance, consider a scenario where your workspace includes a Team designated for the core members of your organization. This Team encompasses a variety of channels tailored to the needs and roles of these core members.

    The primary advantage here is the automation of access privileges: when a new core member joins the Team, they are instantly granted access to all associated channels. This eliminates the need for manually adding them to each channel, thereby enhancing efficiency and reducing administrative overhead

    Teams are identified by:

    Teams can be made private so that only invited members can join or public so that all Rocket.Chat users can see them. Each Team may consist of channels, which may also be either public or private.

    Team privacy and encryption

    Read-only teams

    Only authorized users with write permissions can send messages in read-only teams. All other users can react to messages on this channel.

    Broadcast teams

    Like read-only teams, broadcast teams allow only authorized users with the appropriate permissions to write new messages, while other users can reply to existing messages.

    However, it differs from read-only teams in the following ways:

    • All messages have a reply button that redirects you to the sender's direct message (DM), replying to the message as a quote.

    • The team cannot be converted to a read-only again.

    Encrypted teams

    Encrypted teams have end-to-end encryption enabled across all messages exchanged by the Team members.

    Team information

    The team information screen gives detailed information about the selected team. These details include:

    • Name: The team's name, how users see the title and find the team via search.

    • Topic: The topic is next to the team header's title. It is a great way to provide more information about the team.

    • Announcement: Announcements are highlighted in a bar under the team header.

    • Description: The description of the team.

    • Private: Select if the team is private or public.

    • Read Only: Tells whether a team is read-only.

    • Archived: Tells if a team is archived. Nobody can post messages on an archived team. A directory search will not find that team.

    • Password to access: Protect the team with a password and allow you to set the password. If a team is password-protected, users are required to enter the password to become a team member.

    Mention teams

    With teams, you don’t need to remember everyone’s name to communicate with a team quickly. Just mention a team — @engineers, for instance — and all members will get notified instantly.

    To learn more, see Teams: Efficiently Manage Your Remote Team on Rocket.Chat

    In summary, the Team feature in Rocket.Chat represents a significant step towards more efficient and cohesive team management. By centralizing access to multiple channels under a single Team umbrella, it simplifies the process of managing group memberships and ensures seamless integration of new members into the organizational workflow.

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