WhatsApp Cloud App
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    WhatsApp Cloud App

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    Article summary

    The Rocket.Chat WhatsApp Cloud App provides direct communication between Rocket.Chat and WhatsApp using the WhatsApp Cloud API without needing third-party services like 360Dialog. It is a more secure option and addresses privacy concerns. Your Rocket.Chat workspace is linked through a Facebook developer app with the WhatsApp setup.

    Install WhatsApp Cloud app


    • It is required to have your workspace on a secured, publicly available domain.

    • You need a Meta developer's account to get the WhatsApp API credentials.

      • Make available a Facebook Business account to link with.

    • Your workspace must be registered on Rocket.Chat Cloud.

    To install the WhatsApp Cloud Rocket.Chat app,

    • Go to Administration > Apps > Marketplace.

    • Search for the WhatsApp Cloud app.

    • Click Install and accept the needed permissions. You receive a message from whatsapp-cloud.bot in the #omnichannel-whatsapp-cloud-setup channel with setup instructions.

    Set up Facebook developer account with WhatsApp

    Meta provides developer tools through their Facebook developer's portal to easily build around the Meta ecosystem.

    You must verify your account before proceeding if it is your first time accessing Facebook for developers.

    • Click on Create App to create a new app

    • Select Business as the App type and fill in the details

      • App name: The name you want to call your app.

      • Contact address: Your email to use when contacting you.

      • Business Account: Select a business account if you have one. A new account can be created automatically if none is selected.

    • Click on Setup against WhatsApp in the list of products to add displayed. A WhatsApp section is added to the left panel of your Facebook Developer dashboard.

    • Navigate to WhatsApp > Getting Started; you will see a set of credentials to be used later to set up the WhatsApp Cloud app in Rocket.Chat

    • Verify any existing WhatsApp number to receive messages while in Test Mode.

    The access token provided is temporary; see this guide on how to create a permanent token.

    Adding WhatsApp Business phone number to the Facebook app

    It is optional to link your original WhatsApp Business number to the App.

    • Navigate to WhatsApp > Getting Started and click on Add phone number.

    Follow the guides below to learn more about how to add a WhatsApp production number here:

    When you connect a new number to WhatsApp cloud, you will get some free messages per month. If you exceed this quota, your card will start getting charged. See the official pricing guide to learn more about the billing and free tier.

    We recommend adding your card details as soon as you connect a new number. This ensures that your service integration won't be disrupted if you go beyond the monthly free limit.

    If access to cloud services is suspended on your workspace, you may still incur charges from Whatsapp, as Rocket.Chat does not manage these services and can not cancel them on your behalf. See your WhatsApp business account panel for any pending bills and to manage your payments.

    Create a permanent Whatsapp Cloud API token

    Facebook uniquely provides the WhatsApp Cloud API token, Phone Number ID, and WhatsApp Business Account ID. These credentials are needed by every business when using WhatsApp Cloud services.

    The token provided by Facebook initially is temporal. Optionally, you can get a permanent WhatsApp Cloud API token.

    • Open the app panel on your Facebook developers portal.

    • Click to open the business page linked to the app.

    • From the Facebook business setting page, navigate to System user.

    • A list of existing users on that app is seen, if any. Click Add to add a user, then Accept the terms and conditions.

    • Fill in the System username, then set sthe System User Role to Admin. Click Create System User.

    • Click on Add Assets across the newly created user to add assets to use.

    • A modal opens up, navigate to Apps, select the app, and enable Manage App. Then Save changes.

    • The asset gets added to the system user. Click Done.

    • Click on Generate New Token against the user to generate a new access token.

    • Select the App from the dropdown and check the whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_management permissions. Then, click Generate Token.

    • The permanent token is generated and presented to you. Copy this token and use it in your integrations.

    Uninstall Whatsapp app

    To delete the Whatsapp app from your workspace,

    • Go to Administration > Apps > Installed.

    • Click the kebab menu against the Whatsapp app.

    • Select Uninstall.

    • Click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.

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